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Wood Vent Source
Servicing Home Owners & Contractors since 1948

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Detail, details, details

Click the pictures to  zoom in ...compare our quality to other vents.

Here are some pictures to give you a better idea of ....

Basevents     angled to cover wall and floor openings, also custom to any size.

Basevent in Trimline Style, wood basevent, oak basevent   wood basevent install T-slot

allows for concealed fasteners

wood basevent install


EggCrate    shown wall mount  flush no frame

eggcrate wood vent, wood grill

surface mount eggcrate wood vent flush no frame wood eggcrate vent flush with frames are floor application only flush with frame wood eggcrate vent
  Insert / Surface Flush no frame   Flush with frame


Flush with Frame   shown in solid block

flush with frame wood vent flush mount wood vent flush with frame wood vent detail    
Front Back      


Flush no Frame   shown in original

flush no frame vent detail

flush no frame wood vent flush no frame wood vent    


Insert / Surface Mount   shown in solid block

insert model wood vent   insert model wood vent with damper    
    with dampers    


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Full service does still exist, and here at Volko Supply,
the premium is on service not on price.

© 2005 Wood Vent Source / Volko Supply Co. Inc